Upcoming Webcasts: May 15, June 1, June 14

Hey folks, don't miss three live webcasts on App Engine, coming up fast from O'Reilly Media:

May 15 (Tuesday—that's next week!), 10AM PT: Introducing Google App Engine, Dan Sanderson, author of Programming Google App Engine (that's me). An overview of App Engine's features and tools, followed by a discussion of application design. No AE experience required, but the emphasis will be technical, so some programming experience is recommended. Register.

June 1 (Friday), 10AM PT: Thoughts on Google App Engine: a Python Programmer's Perspective, Paul Barry, author of Head First Python. Another angle on App Engine from the trenches, answering common questions and fielding questions from the room. Paul is an experienced developer, writer, and educator of both Python and App Engine. Information will be language-agnostic, with demos in Python. Register.

June 14 (Thursday), 10AM PT: Python for Google App Engine, Dan Sanderson, author of Programming Google App Engine (me again). Python-specific App Engine topics, including development workflows, application frameworks, and testing tools. I'll be drawing some of this material from my experiences developing a major AE app in Python over the past 18 months. Some Python experience recommended. Register.

They're all free (!), but registration is required. These will be recorded and archived.