Code & Extras

This is where you'll find the example code for the book, and links to other resources.

Example Code

All of the code examples featured in the book are available in a Github repository:

You can clone the Github repository using the following command:

git clone

For more information on Git, see the Git website, or Github.


Talks I've given on App Engine that you can watch online:

Extra Chapters

These chapters were removed from previous editions of the book, but may be useful if your app still uses these features. Caveat: This material is offered as is, may be out of date, and will not be updated or supported.

Useful Downloads

Some useful things to download for App Engine developers, from other places:

Google Cloud SDK

Google Cloud SDK includes everything you need to develop and deploy applications for Google Cloud Platform, including App Engine, Compute Engine, Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, and more. With the gcloud command-line multitool, you can install and update SDK components, and access many useful features. Available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

You can also download the App Engine SDK directly.

Even if you're not using Python for your application code, you will need to install Python 2.7 (not 3.x) to use many of these tools.

Language SDKs

Python. Be sure to get the latest Python 2.7.x release (not 3.x) to ensure your app will be compatible with App Engine's Python 2.7 runtime environment.

Java. App Engine uses Java EE 7, so you'll want Java EE JDK 7 for your platform.

PHP, version 5.4.

The App Engine SDK for Go includes the Go compiler and libraries. See the Go website for documentation and standalone downloads.


The Eclipse development environment for Java. Java developers should install the Google Plugin for Eclipse, which includes the App Engine SDK for Java.

PyCharm, a commercial Python IDE with built-in support for Django development and App Engine deployment.